How far will you travel for an event? One Night Stand travel throughout the UK and abroad. Prices vary depending on location.
How much do you charge?
Our minimum fee is usually £400. This is for two hours of live performance and is fully inclusive of all expenses. Prices increase depending on location to cover travel expenses. Concessions can be made for midweek events and events where we do not need to bring any of our own PA system or lighting.
How long do you play for? A typical performance consists of 2 x 1hour sets or 3 x 40min sets. Both options are suitable to cover an evening and sets can be played at any times of your choice throughout the night. We also have lounge sets which can be played alone or as an additional set - giving you the option of up to three hours performance. Do I need to book a DJ? No. One Night Stand play interval music through our ipod while we are between sets. We do not act as a DJ and man the disco but have specially prepared interval playlists filled with disco favourites. Should you wish to book an additional DJ, we are happy to work alongside them and can recommend some excellent DJs to you that we have worked with previously. Do I need to provide any equipment? No. One Night Stand is fully self-contained with our own PA system and disco lighting. All we need is two wall sockets! The only thing we don't bring with us is a stage, but if there isn't a stage at your venue, we are more than happy to perform without one. Would you be able to perform a song request? Yes. We are happy to perform special requests in addition to our standard sets, subject to a suitable notice period (to allow us to find the track & learn it!) This is especially suitable for weddings where the bride & groom want a special song played for their first dance. What are your requirements? All we ask is that we have a private room (for changing costume and storing our belongings etc) and that soft refreshments are provided. We also require suitable parking near the performance venue for us to be able to bring in and take out our equipment easily and a power supply near the performance area.
Do you play outside events?
Yes. We have played at many outside events. However, please consider the following points before booking the duo for an outside event: - there must be suitable power provided - there needs to be a level ground for us to set up on - please provide suitable protective covering for us and our equipment (always cater for the possibility of rain, even in the summer!) - please inform any neighbouring properties beforehand about the event as noise levels may be an issue. Can we come and see you perform before we book? We are more than happy for potential clients to come and see our live performances whenever possible. However, most of our performances are for private clients and are closed functions to which we never invite personal guests of our own. We hope you understand this need to respect our client's privacy. We have made our website as detailed as possible to give the best idea we can of the service you can expect to receive and a One Night Stand demo CD and brochure is also available on request.